
Sunday, 19 May 2019

ALL Reading - Learning in the fast lane by Suzy Pepper Rollins

Where to next with ALL?

In order to know, I read this reading about the 6 steps to take in order to accelerate students writing: 

Before other students have even begun the unit, the accelerated group has gained an understanding of:
The real-world relevance and purpose of the concept.
Critical vocabulary, including what the words look and sound like.
The basic skills needed to master the concept.
The new skills needed to master the concept.

The big picture of where instruction is going.

What is acceleration: Not pre-teaching rather it is an enriching experience designed to stimulate thinking, develop concrete models, introduce vocabulary, scaffold critical missing pieces, and introduce new concepts just prior to the acquisition of new learning.

Step 1: Generate Thinking, Purpose, Relevance, and Curiosity
Begins with a thought-provoking, hands-on activity that encompasses the big idea of the standard.

Step 2: Clearly Articulate the Learning Goal and Expectations
Their brains should be primed for the teacher's introduction of the learning goal—for
example, "What we just explored is actually the first part of the standard we'll be learning" or "In 40 minutes, you will be able to compare and contrast the core, the mantle, and the crust.". Standards should be deconstructed into classroom targets that unfold into opportunities for daily formative assessment.

Step 3: Scaffold and Practice Essential Prerequisite Skills
Acceleration pause as students briefly moves backward to remediate the deficits that would present a barrier to learning the new standard. To edit a potentially long list of gaps, complete the following statement:

Students could master the new standard if they just knew ___________________________.

Step 4: Introduce New Vocabulary and Review Prior Vocabulary
Create a TIP: a continually growing anchor wall chart that includes vocabulary terms, information on those terms, and pictures of the terms. As words are introduced, they are added to the TIP.

Step 5: Dip into the New Concept
Now students are poised for going a bit deeper into the new content. Students may score sample papers using a writing rubric.

Step 6: Conduct Formative Assessment Frequently
It is essential to collect ongoing data on student progress.

Checklist for acceleration:
□ Students can clearly articulate the meaning of today's learning goal.
□ Students receive scaffolding for prerequisite skills in the context of new learning.
□ Vocabulary development is hands-on and ongoing and focuses on clearly identified academic vocabulary terms.
□ Remediation provided is just in time and set in the context of new learning.
□ Assessment is visible and yields immediate feedback.
□ Students largely work cooperatively in a safe learning environment.
□ Students are learning the big idea of new concepts in advance of their core-class peers.
□ The acceleration teacher and the core-class teacher engage in ongoing collaboration regarding pacing and student progress.

What next: 
* The problem I have is that students are from two different classes, it will be hard to work with them on a topic from their class in only 20min. Speak to my mentor on how I can work around this problem.
* Create a TIP wall
* Start planning ALL more purposefully following the 6 steps


  1. I had to google a TIP wall. Is it the same as a word wall? Or is it a word wall on steroids?

    This reading is always a challenge to my thinking. When I first read it, acceleration sounded counter-intuitive. How on earth can students access the "hard math/reading/writing" when they can't access the curriculum at their level? After some thought, I became aware that ring fencing knowledge, skills and understanding is not a teacher's role. It's totally the opposite.

    1. Kind of a word wall on steroids. You have the word, the description and a picture displayed. Last week I had some keywords on the wall, with pictures and labels, after I took it off, the boys still looked at the empty wall to seek for support. So, really important.


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