
Thursday, 29 February 2024

Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) Chapter 5

 Is everyone learning? 

How do we know if our students are learning? Often we wait till assessments, which are too far away to correct. 

Ask students about their understanding. Not regurgitation. Ask students to apply their understanding. 

Starting with questions makes the students with experience feel smarter and the students with no experience dumber. rather follow the model of TAPPLE.

T - Teach First before asking te so students are equipped to respond. 

A - Ask a question specific to what you just taught. 

P - Pair-Share with another so students practice their response to the question

P - Pick a Non-Volunteer randomly to verify that everyone is learning. 

L - Listen to student responses so you can make real-time instructional decisions. 

E - Effective Feedback elaborates, exclaims or reteaches based on student responses. 

Teach First:  This is one of the fundamental EDI rules. The purpose of CFU is to verify that students are learning what you are teaching. 

Asking Questions: Ask higher-order questions when CFU (Checking for understanding)

e.g. Which is an example...

Why I s....and example of ...

How did you accomplish this step? 

How did you interpret that answer? 

How did you know what the answer meant?

What is another reason this learning is relevant? 

Which reason is most relevant?

Tips for Pair-Shares: Enforce the use of public voice - as T doesn't get too convolved. Don't let discussions drag on. Students can point to their answers while discussing to get them focussed. Re-teach, and do another pair-share. Pair -Share can be a follow-up. 

Pick non-volunteers: Or pick a random person e.g. names on popsicle sticks, names go back, nobody is finished. Online spinner. Doing this avoids the same students getting called on for the answer. Pick at least two non-volunteers. If two or more students have got it wrong in a row, don't call on more students, reteach. 

Listening carefully to the response and Effective Feedback: Listen carefully to the response/ effective feedback. (This will be covered in a separate session) If students give the correct answers, it indicates that you can move on. 

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