
Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Screencastify by Vicki Archer

A great toolkit with Vicki. She highlighted the basic tools while recording. I've seen all the buttons but never took the time to investigate what they can do. It's like a whole new world opened up for me today. What stood out on the basic tools were that you can adjust your countdown timer, annotate your screen, turn your webcam on and of while recording, highlight parts of your screen while you are recording, change your cursor to a flashlight highlighting what you are talking about, and add and remove stickers.

There are also a few cool new features. The one I am most excited about is that you can edit your video. You can blur out students faces, add text, cut or crop out unwanted bits and change where the sounds start or stop. A bit like iMovie.You can add questions in specific spots during the recording which pops up for the students in a box and they choose the correct answer.  How good would that be for during a reading lesson? 

A good tip is for when you want to record tutorials for students, you can create them on screencastify. Each step will be a new screencastify recording, but students will know exactly what to do. 

I am excited to use Screencastify more in my class and for creating tutorials for staff and students. I can recommend this toolkit. 


1 comment:

  1. Wow. Sounds like there’s some really powerful tools in screencastify. Look forward to seeing how you use them in your teaching programme.


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