
Saturday, 23 November 2019

Curious minds - TV Series

Nigel Latta said, “Over the last several decades the evidence for the effectiveness of mindfulness based training for young people (and adults) has continued to grow. Studies all over the world show that mindfulness training is effective. It helps children and young people develop increased calm and resilience, increased focus and attention, enhanced self-awareness and conflict-resolution skills, increased kindness, empathy, connection and pro-social behaviour, and statistically significant increases in emotional and general wellbeing."

This is a fascinating series On Demand  (

"If children have an attentive and active caregiver, the social circuits in their brain is constantly reinforced, but if they are neglected for long period of time, they effectively become desensitised to social interaction. This can affect parts of the brain that is responsible for memory, emotions and self-control. 


  1. Kia ora Alida,
    I stumbled upon your blog when I was in the Kootuitui site looking for learner blog links.
    Great to see you are actively using your blog and obviously doing well. I connected with your reflections on the Curious Minds series. How amazingly we are created with so many feedback systems, including for social interaction. I wonder if we can rebuild the parts of the brain that no longer work? My experience says YES!

    1. Hi Maria
      So lovely of you to look at my blog. Yip, I agree, with practice and perseverance I reckon we can rebuild parts of our brain that was not working. Keep well!

    2. Exciting to know we can make changes in the way our brain is wired. My wondering: How to help learners know and experience this?

    3. This article is quite insightful. Want To Rewire Your Brain For Meaningful Life Changes? Do These Things Immediately by Thomas Oppong. The best way to do the rewiring is by experiencing new things and staying curious. Interesting hey?


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