
Friday, 25 October 2019

Collating Data using Spreadsheets

Collating Data using Spreadsheets

Today we had to use what we learned about Sheets to analyse a blog. I chose Charli-Rose's blog as she is from our school. I collated the data of how many times she has blogged per month over the last three years.

From this spreadsheet, I could pull up a graph to clearly show whether there was an increase or decrease in her posts. I decided to use the bar graph to indicate how many posts she has posted. There was a slight decrease in her blogging tempo in 2018 but a huge increase in 2019.

My hypothesis of why there is an increase in her blogging is because she attended the Summer Learning Journey and earned her first badge at the end of 2018 going into 2019. Or possibly, her teacher has blogging as part of their must do's each week. It will be interesting to have a conversation with her around this and hear what she thinks the reasons are for the decrease and increase of blogging.

I enjoy working on Google Spreadsheets especially for analysing data or keeping track of things and see myself using it more and more next year where I will be teaching older students. They could track their own learning and set personal goals for themselves. Looking forward to that. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alida.
    It was an interesting exercise using Google Sheets to analyse blog posts. I too want to try this with my class as they are older students. I might even have them placemark the different countries which have viewed their blogs. I will let you know how it goes.
    Keep up the awesome learning!


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