
Tuesday, 3 September 2019

PB4L Reflection

Progress Indicators
What stood out for me: Keep everything linked to our school values and keep it positive. Ensure we as teachers know what the values stand for and what that will look like in our school.

Classroom displays (prompts): have them in the appropriate places across the room e.g. how to line up outside at the door. It is important that Gaylene and I refer to the matrixes as Rm 7 's behaviour reminders so that the students don't link it to just me or Gaylene. 

Next steps: 
Reduce our posters so that more is visible. Spread them all over the class.
Ensure all behaviours are entered and that we respond on what is happening in our class. E.g. where do I go if I feel angry or "bored".
Give the students a way back into the class after they left during an anger outburst.
Revisit old matrixes and decide if they should be updated.


  1. It's always good to have a reminder about the fundamentals of PB4L isn't it Alida. I can see those small changes making a big difference in your classroom.

    1. Yip, I think I sometimes get caught up in the rat race and forget how valuable the basics are. Thank you for your feedback.

  2. Yes, those changes will help me too. Poster on the window for lining up, on the i-pad cabinet, etc toilet and water symbols using the students hands, Ive popped in to our posters and added a few ready for the e.g. shared outside play area.

    1. Awesome thank you Gaylene, will sort it out this afternoon.


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