Engaging learners is key (as we know) - engaging each and every child. UDL (Universal Design for Learning) will connect with all students, not just certain students.
This is an example of UDL - but it's not hooking the students in.
This is the same content but presented in a different way.
The second option of using pictures and colour is a lot more inviting and will engage students to learn.
Another great example of a multi-model site is below:
Why does it appeal to me? It has colour, pictures, videos, writing (for diversity), and quotes. Students on all levels will be able to engage with this. The instructions are short and clear.

Giving it a go:
I have a little boy in my class that reads at Level 23. I want to try and use UDL (multi-model learning) with him next term as he will be able to read the instructions and work independently. Catching up with him will them be more productive.
This is what I created today: