
Friday, 20 September 2019

DFI Session 4 Collaborate: Sites

Learning to finish your sharing is an important skill. We realize the importance of sharing but do we give the students enough time and opportunity to finish? It's important for learning and for life.

Engaging learners is key (as we know) - engaging each and every child. UDL (Universal Design for Learning) will connect with all students, not just certain students.

This is an example of UDL - but it's not hooking the students in.
This is the same content but presented in a different way. 
The second option of using pictures and colour is a lot more inviting and will engage students to learn.

Another great example of a multi-model site is below: 
Why does it appeal to me? It has colour, pictures, videos, writing (for diversity), and quotes. Students on all levels will be able to engage with this. The instructions are short and clear. 

Giving it a go: 
I have a little boy in my class that reads at Level 23.  I want to try and use UDL (multi-model learning) with him next term as he will be able to read the instructions and work independently. Catching up with him will them be more productive. 
This is what I created today:

Friday, 13 September 2019

Having a play on Google Slide - Animation

DFL Session 3 What does Learn, Create and Share really stand for?

What does Learn, Create and Share really stand for?

Most human beings need to do, experience or explore something before the learning can take place. This made me rethink what is happening in my class. Do we really create enough? Is this not the secret to keeping our students engaged? Learn, Create, Share is definitely not only a digital pedagogy.

When I was a student, we had subjects such as needlework, art, cooking, woodwork, and library. When I went to high school, these subjects were not gender-specific. Boys and girls could choose any subjects even motor mechanics as a subject. My needlework and music where the subjects that made me enjoy school. And at the end of the year, everything was either displayed or performed in front of the parents (share). We had art displays, music evenings and needlework parades (the clothes we made, we had to wear on a boardwalk).


What can I do to create more in room 7? (Students are the creators of content). I read the below document of Manakalani and realized that lately I have been data-driven (due to limited time in class) and have neglected the creative part. Something I loved doing in the past. My goal,  get creative and include more learn, create share.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Reflection PAC

Reflecting on my writing lesson:
This week we had our PAC observations.

I was pushing for time and trying to meet MY end goal, which did not give the students an opportunity to talk about their ideas. I have neglected to really think about my writing lesson and left out some valuable strategies that I have learned over the past year.

This is what I would like to improve on for my next lesson:
- Use talking strategies
- Make sure kids know the SC (Don't try to jam pack - focus on one) Be very clear with what I want to achieve in that lesson
- Be open to kids ideas - don’t push for an end goal
- New words near them

- A good place to bump up the vocab is during the proofread and editing phase - not during the drafting phase 

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

PB4L Reflection

Progress Indicators
What stood out for me: Keep everything linked to our school values and keep it positive. Ensure we as teachers know what the values stand for and what that will look like in our school.

Classroom displays (prompts): have them in the appropriate places across the room e.g. how to line up outside at the door. It is important that Gaylene and I refer to the matrixes as Rm 7 's behaviour reminders so that the students don't link it to just me or Gaylene. 

Next steps: 
Reduce our posters so that more is visible. Spread them all over the class.
Ensure all behaviours are entered and that we respond on what is happening in our class. E.g. where do I go if I feel angry or "bored".
Give the students a way back into the class after they left during an anger outburst.
Revisit old matrixes and decide if they should be updated.

Steplab Intensive