
Sunday, 9 June 2019

TAI: Am I making a difference, student 2

March 2019

June 2019

The biggest difference I can see in Student 2 is:
* Growth in confidence 
* A storyline forming (The second text was not finished) More ideas...
* Use of adjectives
* A mixture of simple and compound sentences
* Using different sentence starters - time connectors (One day, the next day, then)

Where to next: 
* Organizing my beginning, middle and end into separate paragraphs. 
* Using capital letter and full stops in the right places.
* Using more punctuation such as exclamation marks and using a question in a narrative. 

TAI: Am I making a difference?

E-asttle at the start of 2019.

Writing in June 2019. 

Student 1: 
 If I compare his writing at the start of the year to now, I can see some changes, but to me, they are not yet significant. 

The differences that I notice are: 
* The organization of the text has a better layout. Grouping into a beginning middle and end (not yet ideas into paragraphs). 
* There is a more prominent use of a variety of adjectives.
* A better use of punctuation, capital letters and full stops. 
* The problem and solution are bit clearer. 

So where to next: 
* Work on how each idea has a paragraph, and how to expand on ideas. Not just listing things. 
* Using complex sentences and punctuation. 

The second text was not 100% independent, as we worked together on the plan. Also, we are always pushed for time. Perhaps I should do a proper independent writing sample, to see if what we have been working on in class, has really sunk in, and would transition into a writing sample. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Kootuitui Toolkit

Slide Show

Today I did an online Toolkit on Google Explore.

I learned a few nice short cuts in adding links and APA references to Google Doc,  change the layout on Slides, and adding pivot tables to Sheets.

Steplab Intensive