
Friday, 16 September 2022

Mini Meet Kuia Ako Term 3 2022

I had the opportunity to facilitate a mini meet at our school. I shared some practical ideas on writing rapid routines. 

I had 15 teachers across the Kaui Ako cluster that joined me. Padlet 

The rapid routines that I shared and modelled were: 

Adopt a word, Give me 10, Vocab jumble, Label it! Running Dictation, Pass it on, Onomatopoeia alphabet and Simile and Metaphor drawing activity.

Initially, when I asked the teachers to get ready for the running dictation, there were some hesitation and lots of frowns, but once we started everybody participated really well.

Having the hands-on workshop seemed to resonate well with everybody. They were all engaged, and there were lots of laughter.

I didn't over-plan too much, there were only 2 activities that I did not get to do.

What would I do differently next time:

Most probably start with the Running Dictation straight away to break the ice.

Have my scrap paper ready before the time, as well as setting everything up for the running dictation before the time.

Next step:

I'm wondering if a Rapid Routine part 2 should not be an option, then we can look at even more options for Rapid Routines, the ones that need a little more preparation.

Feedback from one teacher when I asked if the workshop was okay, said she can use all of it as she is only a 3rd year teacher. So... mission accomplished.

Thursday, 1 September 2022

MIT 2022 Project Survival Kete Tracking

On my site for new teachers, I have a tracking system, where teachers have the option to keep track of their learning. The initial idea was to have it light and add a bit of light humour while teachers earn items for their survival kits. 

This was my initial tracking sheet that was drafted: Survival Kit for New Teachers 

Some suggestions from my principal led to this: Survival Kete for New teachers 

Some more suggestions from my principal led to this: Survival Kete for New teachers Slide (Option 1)

After feedback from an MIT Colleague: Survival Kete for New teachers

And then the final product: Survival Kit For New Teachers Tracking (Option2)

This process reminded me of Austin's Butterfly.  Through feedback and more feedback I was able to come up with something that looks more professional. A massive thank you to everybody that took the time to give me feedback!

What do you think? Option 1 or 2?

Steplab Intensive