Our PLD this year is a Reading focus. We've been introduced to Sharp Reading, a programme developed by Hilton Ayrey and Brian Parker. Both highly experienced ex-teachers. The programme is focussed on making teaching manageable for teachers, maintaining the correct level of challenge for the students and ensuring success for each student in EVERY lesson. I really like the idea of getting the maximum out of each lesson.
We've complete Unit 1 on a callback day with Hilton.
Today I started my online course, Unit 2, and completed tasks 1 - 3. Thank you, Simon, for being my online peer practice buddy.
Things we noticed was to remind students to start with "I think it means" (ITTM).
Also to focus carefully on what the students are saying in order to not get your mind distracted.
It is important to have a copy of the guide sheets next to you and familiarise yourself with it before you start.
And I need to be a little clearer when I am explaining the 1,2 or 3, linking it to "How convincing am I?"
My next step is to practice 2 - 3 lessons with some students in the class. A small group of 3-4 students.