
Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Sharp Reading

 Our PLD this year is a Reading focus. We've been introduced to Sharp Reading, a programme developed by Hilton Ayrey and Brian Parker. Both highly experienced ex-teachers. The programme is focussed on making teaching manageable for teachers, maintaining the correct level of challenge for the students and ensuring success for each student in EVERY lesson. I really like the idea of getting the maximum out of each lesson. 

We've complete Unit 1 on a callback day with Hilton. 

Today I started my online course, Unit 2, and completed tasks 1 - 3. Thank you, Simon, for being my online peer practice buddy. 

Things we noticed was to remind students to start with "I think it means" (ITTM). 

Also to focus carefully on what the students are saying in order to not get your mind distracted. 

It is important to have a copy of the guide sheets next to you and familiarise yourself with it before you start. 

And I need to be a little clearer when I am explaining the 1,2 or 3, linking it to "How convincing am I?"

My next step is to practice 2 - 3 lessons with some students in the class. A small group of 3-4 students. 

Digital Development

One of my focusses this year is to upskill on my own knowledge of digital activities in the classroom, based on our Learn Create Share model. One of the first challenges I took on was how to create a green screen video. Although there is an app on the iPads, it took a bit of research and trial error to get it right. Thank you, Justine, for your support being a model etc, while I was trying and testing. 

I'm hoping to support our students in creating their own digital Pepeha during term 1. My possible challenges are: 

1. Students not having the information they need to create a Pepeha

2. Students that don't want to do it because they are not Te Reo speakers.

3. We only have a short time to create the Pepeha, and it does take a bit of time. So students will need to know what to do as soon as possible so that they don't waste time waiting for me to show them what to do. 

How am I going to approach this?

Now that I have created my own, and know exactly what to do, I believe the students will be able to follow my modelling and instructions quickly. Parents have already been notified that we will be doing a Pepeha, and a letter will be going home as soon as we are back at school to gather the needed information. If any students show hesitation on doing a Pepeha, I will bring the topic up in circle time and discuss how we can be culturally responsive to each other. 

Here is my example video. Please note, my focus was on how to a green screen, not on my Pepeha. So please forgive me if it is not done correctly. 

Steplab Intensive