
Thursday, 25 January 2018

PD Understanding Behaviour - Responding Safely 25/01/2018

A big question that always creates a bit of anxiety for me is, when do we restrain a child with extreme behaviour. I found today's PD around this topic interesting and bringing knowledge on this topic to the forefront of my mind. This reminded me that staying calm and not over reacting is crucial. 

What stood out for me during this session:

Triggers such as not knowing what to do or not having the vocabulary to explain how I feel can be triggers. Things like not taking regular medication e.g. Ritalin. Things that happened at home or even something small like being late for school.
If we know the triggers, we can de-escalate them before it triggers behaviour.

Create a class culture of support. So if a child is sent to Sefa to help them cope with behaviour, have a discussion with my class on how it is not a special treat, but help. How can we as a class help in situations such as that.

PB4L : How can I use my words to ask for help?

Take note: Time constraints increase anxiety levels. Take the pressure off.  Respond on triggers early to avoid out of control. There is very little you can do if children get out of control.

So what?
* Avoid restraining as far as possible.
* Only restrain if a child's life is in danger or if he is going to hurt others.
* Eliminate triggers as soon as possible.
* Stay calm, breath, call for help in extreme cases.

PD STEM - Susan - 23 January 2018

Today we did PD with Susan. It was such an eye-opener with how you can engage children in a very subtle way, keeping them interested and getting them to be scientist.  This is what stood out for me. 

STEM = Science, Tools, Engineering and Maths

S = Natural physical World
TEM =  The made world

Don't say we are going to do writing, talk about science. Avoid them thinking that we are focussing on writing. We are being scientists, investigating.
After the ice ice baby game - kids will compare on what they can CHANGE to make their ice-block melt faster. Re-do the activity.
They are learning coming from their own experiences.
Stay away from the AIM of a lesson etc. Focus on what we can investigate.

Observation is through our 5 senses. To a scientist all the senses are important. We use all our senses to gather as much as possible data on what we are investigating.

DELVE: Go back into what you know, draw what you know about an ant, talk about it, add labels, talk about it again, ask questions, go to tv (go up close) and look at examples, go back and adjust your picture, look at another example.  Watch video clip, talk about it. (Reasoning).

ALL AKONGA AS CULTURALLY LOCATED: (STEM can be seen as cultures)
Professional reading: Patricia Grace - Good Read - Butterflies

Confident (Con = with) With truth You are confidence because you know the truth
Connected (Con = with/together) nect = the point where paths cross
Actively Involved
Lifelong Learners = Challenges us as teachers

The nature of science  strand is the overarching, unifying strand. Through it, students learn what science is and how scientists work.

You cannot teach science as a strand, they are incorporated together.  (Think of each strand as a piece of clothing, you cannot just one per term, you need all of them to complete the picture).

Authentic + really connected to a lot of things.

Awe and Wonder This is what we want the children to be like.

Scientist that I could research:
Carl Sagan
Ray Bradbury
Edwin Powell Hubble
George Henry Lewes
Roger Hanlon

So What?
* Be prepared to change!
* Focus on being scientists, not writers.
* Engage students on a deeper level by using specific questions, but also giving them time to figure things out. Don't haste them or put pressure on them with time constraints.
* Let the children move around in the class, e.g. standing up to have a closer look on the tv.
* Provide lots of time to talk to each other.

What do I need to do next? 
* Reflect on what I use to do in the class, what can I change to engage my children more?
* Make a list of questions I can ask that will encourage my children to think deeper about things.
* Research scientists and discover how they think about science, what gets them excited, how do they look at something different to a normal person.
* Think how all of this can be used in our inquiry about change.
* Read Patricia Grace's story on Butterflies. 

Steplab Intensive